9 Ways to Make Your Home More Eco-Friendly

by Donna VanNess

“Going green” isn’t just a craze or fad. When it comes to your home, it can actually prove to be beneficial on a number of fronts. From increasing the value of your home to helping stymie the need for frequent home repairs, creating an eco-friendly home will help you save on energy costs; it can also produce less pollution, thus improving your home’s indoor air quality. 

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, Americans spend 90 percent of their time indoors. With that in mind, who wouldn’t want to reduce their carbon footprint inside their home? 

M300 reveals 9 ways that you can help your home “go green.” 

  1. Get a programmable or smart thermostat. Program your HVAC to match your schedule, so you’re not using it when you’re not at home. 

  1. Seal air leaks. Caulk or weather-strip a leak. Leaks can occur near anywhere where there is plumbing, ductwork and electrical wiring.  

  1. Replace incandescent bulbs with LEDs or CFLs. Light-emitting diodes and compact fluorescent lightbulbs can be more money up front, but they end up lasting 3 to 25 times as long! 

  1. Upgrade to appliances with an Energy Star label. The Energy Star symbol is the government-backed symbol for energy efficiency. Your appliances stay plugged in all day!  Choose an Energy Star appliance that uses 10 to 50 percent less energy. 

  1. Save water. Switch to low-flow showerheads. Don’t forget to fix leaks! Install aerators on your faucets. 

  1. Go with sustainable building materials. Renovating or buying a new home? You have choices, everything from recycled steel beams to composite lumber for decks! 

  1. Use products with low VOC counts. Commonly found in paints and cleaning products, VOCS are harmful gases that can contribute to health issues.  

  1. Install solar panels. This can significantly cut down on utility costs. Remain off-grid or tie into your local utility company’s solar power-grid. 

  1. Get LEED certified. Want to increase your home’s resale value? Consider this not easy, but not-impossible certification, all for the benefit of the Earth! 

First-time homebuyer, Homeownership, Housing Tips green home, eco-friendly home, going green, solar panels, Environmental Protection Agency